September 4, 2015
SUBJECT: Knights of Columbus dedication of new “Memorial to the Unborn.
The Parsippany Knights of Columbus – Council # 3680 is proud to invite all Parsippany Residents to the Dedication of a New Memorial, this “Memorial to the Unborn” is located on the grounds of Saint Christopher Church 1050 Littleton Road, here in Parsippany.
Although the Memorial is located on Saint Christopher Church property, it is a project of All Parsippany Knights and is for all residents of Saint Peter’s and Saint Ann Church as well as any person who would like an opportunity to meditate over an Unborn Child. This large monument has many symbolic parts to it, on the granite stone is engraved an image of our Blessed Mother, with a child fleeing to her protection, Next to the engraving of Christ Cross there is a kneeling-praying angel symbolic of an angel guiding the souls of these unborn’s to spend eternity with Jesus Christ in Paradise. The monument has a covering of white Montana Marble, it is symbolic of crossing over from this earth we live on to be with Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother in Heaven…
There is a Medication Bench for those who would like to sit and reflect or to Pray, as well as a kneeling stone cover in a soft material…A birdbath is off to one side… The dedication will take place on MONDAY, September 14th, 2015 at 7:00PM, in attendance will be the Leader of all New Jersey Knights of Columbus, State Deputy Bruce DeMollie, and the dedication will be followed by a Mass at 7:30 PM, and the installation of new officers for the Parsippany Knights of Columbus. (If you have any questions on this, please contact me at the above numbers)
Respectfully submitted:
Steve Roman PGK